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Bethesda Fallout 4 Patch Download


About this mod

Fallout 4's Unofficial Patch Tries To Fix Everything Bethesda Can't. And you can download it from Github. If Bethesda ends up releasing an official fix for anything reworked in the UFO4P, the. Beta patch 1.3.45 for Fallout 4 is now available for download. This time Bethesda has fixed lots of smaller but more serious problems for Steam users. Full patch notes list available on this link.

A comprehensive bugfixing mod for Fallout 4. The goal of the Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch (aka UFO4P) is to eventually fix every bug with Fallout 4 not officially resolved by the developers to the limits of the Creation Kit and community-developed tools, in one easy-to-install package.


DLC requirements

DLC name
Wasteland Workshop
Far Harbor
Contraptions Workshop
Vault-Tec Workshop
Nuka World

Mods requiring this file

Mod nameNotes
Armorsmith Extended Vanilla Rollback
Better Drumlin DinerRecommended for any play through Not Mandatory but Highly Suggested
Better Mod Descriptions - UFO4P Patchhttps://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/4598/?tab=files
Clean quest journal FO4
Correcciones y mejoras de textos y voces
Covenant Little Village
Egret Tours Marina Little PortReccomanded
Faction SettlementsRequired because it will otherwise cause conflict with the workshop scripts
Fallout 4 Coastal Cottage Little Mansion and Cottages
frogs345's Combined Weapon Mods
FROST Simplified Sorting
FROST Simplified Sorting (CN)
GER - Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch - Main.ba2, Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch - Textures.ba2
Greentop Nursery Little Village
Kaige's Gameplay Enhancement Pack
Level 4 Merchants Improvedfixes bugs related to level 4 merchants
Marelo's Overhaul
More NPCs Sandbox Expansion
Mornedil's Combat ReworkMCR works without UF4P, but you require it if you want to prevent the 'brawl bug', which has a minor side effect on the quest 'Confidence Man' (NPCs act as if you used more than just your fists in the 'fist fight' portion of the quest).
Murkwater construction site Little Village
Nuka Red Rocket Little Village
Oberland Station Little VillageNot optional.
Perks Shmerks
Prebuilt Simple Settlements - SS Conqueror
Radiant Quest Marker
Random Encounters CooldownOnly for UOF4P version
Sanctuary Little Village
Settlements Unlocked - My Clean TestsavesOnly needed fot the UFO4P versions.
ShadGirl DefrostedFixes bugs in Fallout 4, needed for Better Settlement Defence mod
Simple Ballistic Weave ExpansionCarried forward changes made by the UFO4P.
Snike - Camp Dynamic
Some Fan Patches For Damn Apocalypse And Otherspatches were made for 2.0.7
Starlight Drive In Little Village
Taffington LITTLE Boathouse
Tenpines Bluff Little Village
The LITTLE Castle
UF4P and WoTC Merged Patch
Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch (2.0.5b) - Italian Translation - Traduzione Italiana
Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch (Traducao PT-BR)
Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch - Chinese
Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch - Deutschfür die Nur-ESP-Version
Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch - French Translation
Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch - German
Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch - spolszczenie (polish translation)
Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch - Traducao PT-BRv2.0.7
Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch - Traduzione italiana
Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch 2.0.7 ITAversione 2.0.7
Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch 2.0.8 Translation Portuguese-Brasil PT-BR
Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch Czech
Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch ITA
Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch Traduction FR
Unofficial Patch and WatMM - Compatibility Patch
Vault 88 - A little tiny vault..or not
Weapon Mod Fixes
Where am IFixes bugs in Fallout 4, needed for Better Settlement Defence mod
Permissions and credits

Author's instructions

The following terms of use must be adhered to with regard to the unofficial patches:
* You may upload unmodified copies of the latest version of the patch to any website of your choosing so long as the documentation is retained as-is. All credits must be properly maintained, and you are responsible for making sure the updates are taken care of on the site it's uploaded to.
* Porting this mod for use on a game other than Fallout 4 is strictly prohibited. Examples of 'other games' include (but are not limited to) Fallout VR, etc.
* Porting this mod to a platform where modding is not officially supported or legally allowed is strictly prohibited. This includes, but is not limited to, Nintendo Switch, PS4, or other consoles.
* Translation of the unofficial patches into other languages is permitted so long as the English documentation is also included and all credits are properly maintained and all provisions of previous terms are adhered to.
* Assets such as mesh files (.nif), textures, scripts, audio files, and other things found in the BA2 files may be freely used as the basis for your own work in order to help prevent fixes from being lost due to work starting from broken vanilla assets instead.
* You are permitted to use the unofficial patches as master files in your own work for the purpose of ensuring that fixes are not lost. Please try to be sure any changes to things which have been fixed do not cause further problems as we will not be able to provide support under those conditions.
* You may also copy any needed fixes into your own work to use without the UFO4P as a master so long as you agree to be responsible for any support issues that arise from doing so and that you will actively keep up with any needed changes in future updates.
* Altering fixes is specifically prohibited as this tends to lead to serious problems. If you think you've found an issue with a fix, please report it to us. Do not simply upload something that amounts to 'this is the right way to do it' because more often than not, this turns out to be false and people mistakenly believe we are at fault when we are not aware of what's been done.
* The Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch may not be included in any 'mod packs' under any circumstances.

Fallout 4 Latest Patch Download

File credits

Download Fallout 4 Pc Patches

Please see our readme in the download. Hoshizora no memoria english patch download. This list is rather extensive and ever changing.

Princess maker 5 provisional patch download. Welcome to the world of 「Princess Maker 5」! The stage of 「Princess Maker 5」 is the world we are living in now. There is not only a TV, but we use the cellphone and the Internet as well. But something is a bit different than those. It's a world where the demons and fairies are living together.

Donation Points system

This mod is opted-in to receive Donation Points

  • Spanish
  • Russian
  • Portuguese
  • Polish
  • Italian
  • German
  • French
  • Czech
  • Chinese - Mandarin

Translations available on the Nexus

GermanGER - Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch
SpanishUnofficial Fallout 4 Patch - Spanish Translation
FrenchUnofficial Fallout 4 Patch - French Translation
Chinese - MandarinUnofficial Fallout 4 Patch - Chinese
ItalianUnofficial Fallout 4 Patch 2.0.7 ITA
PortugueseUnofficial Fallout 4 Patch - Portugues Brasileiro
RussianUnofficial Fallout 4 Patch - Russian Translation
PolishUnofficial Fallout 4 Patch - spolszczenie (polish translation)
PortugueseUnofficial Fallout 4 Patch - Traducao PT-BR
GermanUnofficial Fallout 4 Patch - German
ItalianUnofficial Fallout 4 Patch (2.0.5b) - Italian Translation - Traduzione Italiana
GermanUnofficial Fallout 4 Patch - Deutsch
RussianUnofficial Fallout 4 Patch RU Translation
RussianUnofficial Fallout 4 Patch RU
PortugueseUnofficial Fallout 4 Patch (Traducao PT-BR)
CzechUnofficial Fallout 4 Patch Czech
ItalianUnofficial Fallout 4 Patch - Traduzione italiana
ItalianUnofficial Fallout 4 Patch 2.0.1a - Traduzione Italiana -
ItalianUnofficial Fallout 4 Patch ITA
FrenchUnofficial Fallout 4 Patch Traduction FR
AFK Mods - PC
Bethesda.net - PC
Bethesda.net - PS4
Bethesda.net - XB1
PS4 version on Bethesda.net
XBone version on Bethesda.net

Bethesda Fallout 4 Patch Ps4 Endless Money


Both straight donations and premium membership donations accepted

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Special Features:-

  • It also has very simple and user-friendly interface.
  • Also got a huge list of characters.
  • It also gives you the ability to customize characters.
  • This Version also has best visuals and sounds.
  • In this version, New Weapons are introduced.
  • It is the best game for you.
System Requirements
Operating SystemWindows 7/8/8.1/10
Memory8 GB
ProcessorINTEL Core i7-4790 4-Core 3.6GHz
Sound CardDirectX 11
Hard Disc Space30 GB
Video CardNVIDIA GeForce GTX 780 or ATI Radeon R9 290X


Bethesda Fallout 4 Patch Notes

  • First of all, you have to download the game from given links below.
  • And the unzip the files with given password.
  • After that double click on the .exe file and start installation.
  • Follow the instructions and in the last click on finish.
  • Now go to the download folder and open game folder and from there you have to copy the crack file.
  • Now simply paste the file into the game installation folder and run the game.
  • Done…
  • Enjoy playing game free…:)

Password:| Status: Tested